Saturday, February 7, 2009

ROAR Book: To Engineer Is Human

  • I agree with the reasons that the students came up with about the paper clip experiment; not all paper clips are equally strong and not every student bend the clips the same way.
  • On page 29, Petroski mentioned Calvinism in which I had learned in history class.
  • On page 30, Petroski mentioned anthropomorphic in which I had learned the definition of in ELA class.
  • Father like son; Henry Petroski's son is into engineering which I think is a good thing.
  • Oliver Wendell Holmes' poem (The Deacon's Masterpiece) is very long.
  • How old is Henry Petroski's son now?
  • Why did Oliver Wendell Holmes write that poem (The Deacon's Masterpiece)?
  • Are there more than one type of slingshot?
  • Why did Petroski call the third chapter "Lessons From Play; Lessons From Life"?
  • Fastidious: requiring or characterized by excessive care or delicacy; painstaking
  • Serendipitous: come upon or found by accident; fortuitous
  • Permanence: the condition or quality of being permanent; perpetual or continued existence
2.Literary Terms:
  • Direct Characterization: "Oliver Wendell Holmes is remembered widely for his humor and and verse..." (page 28)
  • Simile: "What my son had in mind for a slingshot was a massed-produced , metal-framed object that was as far from my idea of a slingshot as an artificial Christmas tree is from a fir." (page 31)
1.Overview Sentence:
  • Describes Henry Petroski's son's experiment with a slingshot and Oliver Wendell Holmes' poem.

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