Sunday, February 8, 2009

ROAR Book: To Engineer Is Human

  • I did not know that in 1779 the first iron bridge was erected in England; that was a very long time ago.
  • Many bridges were built during the 1800s but many brides had also collapsed.
  • Engineer designing is something that I don't think I would want to be when I grow up because to me, your designs have to be precise and accurate or else the structure that you have designed will collapse.
  • I did not know that engineers can copy a design that have stood the test of time.
  • Some designs may look perfect on paper but when it is put to work in the real world it might not be the same.
  • How old id T.H Huxley? How many books have he written so far?
  • How much does an engineer make in a year?
  • Who is considered the most successful engineer in history?
  • Where was the Tay Bridge located?
  • Aqueduct: a bridge-like structure supporting a conduit or canal passing over a river or low ground
  • Anomaly: a quantity measured in degrees, defining the position of an orbiting body with respect to the point at which it is nearest to or farthest from its primary
  • Myriad: having innumerable phases, aspects, variations, etc.
2.Literary Terms:
  • Simile: "Designing a bridge or any other large structure is not unlike planning a trip or a vacation." (page 64)
  • Metaphor: "Many objects of design are more exotic than spending two weeks in New York." (page 66)
1.Overview Sentence:
  • Describes engineer designs and well-known engineer designers like Robert Maillart, Anton Tedesko, etc.

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