Thursday, October 23, 2008

ROAR Book: Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert


  • I think Elizabeth made the right decision to not get romantically linked to a man while she is in Italy.
  • In this book it mentions the word soliloquy; a word I have learned recently in my English class.
  • I don't think Elizabeth still loves David, I think she feels like she owes him something for leaving him behind and going off to Italy.
  • Elizabeth is eating a lot of food while she is in Italy and I would love to eat that much food as well.
  • Italian men seems really different compared to American men while Italian women is similar to American women.
  • What is the "Vatican"?
  • Is being 34 years old considered too old?
  • Is Julius Caesar a movie or a play?
  • What is the "Colosseum"?
  • Cumulative: increasing by additions
  • Depleted: 1.empty 2. exhaust
  • Typhus: infectious bacterial disease with fever, skin rash, etc.
2.Literary Terms:
  • Simile: "They're like show poodles." (page 67)
  • Direct Characterization: "A very pretty Italian girl with an amazing collections of high-heeled boots." (page 66)
1.Overview Sentence:
  • Elizabeth described how much fun she is having in Italy so far, especially how much fun she had when she went to a soccer game with her friend Luca Spaghetti.

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